تصدر عن مركز السنبلة للبحوث والدراسات

ISI Impact factor 1.304

The Arab Journal of Human and Social Sciences

A scientific refereed journal (quarterly)

Arab journal for Humanities and Social Sciences


The Arab Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is an accredited, licensed and registered journal with the ISSN International Network.

International Standard Number of the Journal

ISSN 2709-5312

Objectives :

The Arab Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences seeks to achieve the following objectives

Publishing innovative research

Publishing innovative research

Publishing innovative research presented by researchers in scientific fields related to literature and human sciences, after presenting it to scientific reviewers. 
Excellence in providing research with innovative ideas

Excellence in providing research with innovative ideas

Excellence in providing research with innovative ideas that has not been previously published in other scientific journals and judged by a group of scientists and specialists, and contributing to the production of distinguished scientific research, by adhering to international standards of excellence in the fields of scientific research. 
Generalizing the desired benefit from publishing research and studies

Generalizing the desired benefit from publishing research and studies

Dissemination of the desired benefit from publishing research and studies, by placing the issues of the journal in the hands of readers and researchers on the journal's website on the Internet, and developing and updating the website. 

Magazine Credits




We publish our research and messages in the candle and the system house

Research and studies of the Arab Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences are published in the following databases
The Arab Educational Information Network Shamaa and in the base of Dar Al-Manthama and the magazine are approved in the list of periodicals indexed in the database

Publication, arbitration and payment fees

The Arab Journal of Human and Social Sciences seeks to publish scientific research and develop scientific research in the Arab world, and the magazine requests a nominal fee of 140 Jordanian dinars or the equivalent of $ 200 to publish research consisting of 25-30 pages as a maximum, and fees are added if the number of pages exceeds 30 pages.